Baby ready for food? Heard of “Baby-Led Weaning” and are curious to know more? Come to the peer-led workshop and learn how to take the theory into practice, and feel more confident as you start food introduction. Join other parents for this informative workshop which will cover:
-When is it appropriate to start solids
-Why Baby-Led Weaning (feeding!) would be right for you- whole food AND puree BLW!
-Everything you need to get started (hint: it’s simple)
-Amount and types of foods that are good “first foods” (updated from international guidelines)
-Gagging vs. Choking
-Size of foods that should be offered during for a variety of developmental levels
-Learn how this approach can mean 1 Family = 1 Meal (no more multiple meals!)
Leave with a few tried and true baby led weaning recipe favorites. While this workshop is geared towards adults, feel free to bring your infant if that encourages participation.
+ $55 person / $65 couple
+ pre-registration required
+ Babies are welcome to attend but not required
+ scholarship available for our Onward Mama members. Call or inquire within.
+ Instructor: Tegan Bernstein