Becoming a mom is difficult, but if you are struggling with a postpartum mood disorder it can make the transition even harder. Postpartum mood disorders are the number one medical complication related to childbearing and are experienced by up to 20% of postpartum women. Unfortunately they are also extremely under diagnosed and often not talked about. Research shows that participating in a therapeutic group for postpartum mothers can significantly reduce depressive episodes and symptoms. This group is lead by an experienced licensed clinical social worker who has also completed Postpartum Support International's certificate training program. We will cover such topics as, myths of motherhood, psychological and physiological changes associated with the postpartum period, how to build a social support network so that you can prevent and reduce symptoms of a postpartum mood disorder and how to deal with the difficult intrusive and sometimes scary thoughts that often accompany a postpartum mood disorder. The group will also provide a nonjudgmental and safe place for women to talk about their experiences. This group is aimed at promoting a mother's control over her own treatment and will create a respectful space for moms and the group leader to offer suggestions without offering direct advice that can often feel judgmental and not helpful. This group is closed, meaning we will have the same group of women for the six weeks the group runs. This allows for a greater sense of safety and is more effective than groups where new members can come and go each week.
+ $240 for six week series/ $30 for our Onward Mama members (call or inquire within.)
+ pre-registration required
+ pre-crawling babies welcome
+ scholarship available for our onward mama members. call or inquire within.
+ facilitator: Julia Rolf