Becoming a parent is difficult and some anxiety and depression can be typical. Many new parents wonder what amount of anxiety is normal, or are afraid to tell people that they aren't happy as a new parent. For a combination of biological, environmental and historical reasons, these feelings can become intense enough to have what is called a postpartum mood disorders (pmads). Pmads are the number one medical complication related to childbearing, but are unfortunately extremely under diagnosed and often not talked about. Research shows that participating in a therapeutic group for postpartum parents can significantly reduce symptoms of depression or anxiety. This group is lead by an experienced licensed clinical social worker who specializes in treating perinatal and postpartum mood disorders. During the group you will learn concrete skills to help cope with intense emotions. We will also talk about myths of parenthood, birth related trauma, psychological and physiological changes associated with the postpartum period, how to build a social support network so that you can prevent and reduce symptoms of a postpartum mood disorder, and how to deal with the difficult intrusive and sometimes scary thoughts that often accompany a postpartum mood disorder. The group will also provide a nonjudgmental and safe place for parents to talk about their experiences. This is a closed group, meaning we will have the same group of parents for the six weeks the group runs. This allows for a greater sense of safety and is more effective than groups where new members can come and go each week.
+ $240 for six week series (Dec 2nd, 9th, 16th, and January 6th, 13th, and 20th) **Early bird special of $180 running from Nov. 8th through 15th!**
* Please ask about payment options if the price of the group is not accessible to you at this time. Scholarships are available.
+ pre-registration required
+ pre-crawling babies welcome
+ facilitator: Julia Rolf