Could my baby be reacting to a food? How can I tell? Is cow’s milk bad? Goat milk? When is it OK to start solids? Should I be using a European formula? Choosing the right foods for a baby can feel bewildering, especially if you are concerned about dietary sensitivities. In this (virtual) workshop, we will cover the more common symptoms and triggers of food sensitivities, introduction of solids, and selection of supplemental formulas.
+ $15 per person/$20 per couple
+ one scholarship available, email us for details!
+ pre-registration required (a Zoom link will be sent after booking is completed)
+ about the facilitator:
Rebecca Cherry, MD, is a specialist in pediatric GI and nutrition. Now in private practice, she takes a holistic approach, collaborating with families to optimize children’s health. A graduate of Harvard Medical School, she has supplemented her formal training to offer more integrative care, including clinical hypnosis for a range of conditions.