Join Baby Wordplay for their SPARK (Storyplays In The Park) series! Story Baby Wordplay Storyplays are literacy-rich, fun opportunities to engage your little one with reading, songs, fingerplays, and puppets. Baby Wordplay is committed to growing readers and thinkers by promoting a love of reading aloud, modeling ways to use books, and exposing families to some of the best, age appropriate and diverse literature for children.
+ four fridays - May 28th, June 4th, June 11th, June 18th
+ $80 for 4 week series per child / $40 per extra sibling / $20 per child per drop-in (if space allows!)
+ One scholarship spot available per class for ACCESS cardholders. call or email us for details.
+ best for ages 6 wks to 5 years but all ages welcome!
+ pre-registration required
The details:
All classes held at Lemon Hill Park. We will meet up the hill to the right of the playground (when standing on Sedgley Drive looking at the playground).
Bring your own blanket and water
Per CDC and city guidelines related to Covid-19, we will be practicing 6 feet of social distancing, and adults and children 2+ must wear a mask