Calling all expecting and tired parents! Are you rocking baby to sleep for hours to put her to sleep? Is your kid waking up in the middle of the night? Are naps non existent? Do you want to learn how to put baby in the right path to good sleep from day one? This class is for you! During this one hour workshop, sleep expert Maria Lopez will teach you about the science of children’s sleep, why problems occur, how to prevent them and how to troubleshoot your current issues. Topics include: Children’s sleep Sleep props and how to prevent and stop them Ideal routines for each age Common sleep problems: Regressions, night wakings, and short naps. Helpful sleep hacks This class is good for children of all ages. Bring all your questions!
+ $15
+ One registered, click this link to enter class:
Meeting ID: 819 4964 1117
Passcode: 651809
(If you don’t have a Zoom account, signing up is easy and free!)
+ instructor: Maria Lopez