Local Brewerytown author Samantha Anthony is joining us for this free reading and signing of her book Tionana. Tionana is a children's picture book that delves into the tricky subject of having to say goodbye. Join us a for a reading and author Q + A, open to all ages.
+ free
+ book will be available for sale for $10
About the Author:
Samantha Anthony was born in Malawi but lives in Brewerytown, Philadelphia. I have worked with children for six years now but am also a grad student working on a Masters in Child Psychology. Tionana is my second book but my first children's book. I was inspired to write it because I wanted a meaningful way to say goodbye to a child that I had worked with and had built a connection with.
About the Illustrator:
Daniel Robinson was born in New York but lives in Brewerytown Philadelphia. Daniel Robinson loves drawing things and is a budding digital artist. Tionana is the second book that Daniel Robinson has illustrated but the first children's book.